Purposerosa is a POC, women-owned and operated company creating sustainable jewelry, hosting workshops, and providing communal space for Black and Brown women to explore and discover their vision and purpose. “We believe women owning their self-worth and innate sense of purpose will radically change the world for the better.”

Role: Lead Researcher, UX/UI Designer

Tools: Figma, Figjam, LucidChart, Google Workspace, Trello, Otter

Timeline: Three week design sprint

Design Process: Ideation, Usability Testing, Comparative Analysis // Affinity Map, Persona + Journey Map, User Flows, Site IA // Brand Design + Prototyping // Testing + Handoff

The Objective

Although the brand had been around since 2010, Purposerosa was having a difficult time getting users to sign up for their workshops and engage with their content. We were tasked with redesigning responsive pages of the current website, as well as providing mobile designs with the hopes of:

  • Helping users better understand who Purposerosa was and what they did.

  • Creating an easier way to navigate the site to enhance user engagement with the Newsletter Sign up and Events Page.

  • Recontextualizing the ‘Purposeis_’ movement so users could connect with the content and participate in the survey and interviews.

How Might We…

  • Present information so users have a very clear idea of the mission and purpose?

  • Design navigation for a highly organized and efficient experience?

  • Allow the imagery and videos to carry the story of the brand?

  • Build brand trust to encourage user engagement?


Spruce Manager Portal


THRA Bus Design