This was a concept/academic project as a UX Design student. No Netflix features were harmed in the making of this project. 😇
Role: Lead Researcher, UX/UI Designer
Tools: Pen + Paper, Figma, Figjam, Lucid Chart, Trello, Otter, Google Workspace
Timeline: Two Week Design Sprint
Deliverables: Surveys, User Interviews, Usability Testing, Competitive Analysis // Affinity Map, Persona, User Flows, Site IA // Low, Mid, Hi-Fi Prototypes + Usability Testing
The Objective
We all know and love Netflix, right? And what’s better than gathering a group of friends to watch Netflix together? Some would say, nothing! But what were we supposed to do during Covid, when the sharing of in-person experiences just…halted?
At the time, many streaming services had come out with their own version of an online watch party, where you could get together and stream movies, while being apart. Yet, Netflix never created their own. So this became our challenge - to create a shared video streaming service for Netflix users, while staying true to their strong brand identity and making it feel as fulfilling as possible. Can we provide a powerful experience for groups of people that want to connect during Covid? Enter Netflix Party!
How Might We…
Offer users new features without taking away from the visual experience?
Make the new navigation as easy to use as possible?
Offer users the most fun way to interact while sharing a video streaming experience?